About the Group

Sustainable Development

We believe in the importance of integrating sustainable development into companies – and we put this belief into practice with our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative. Our corporate initiatives and commitments line up with the three pillars of sustainable development:

Charte RSE CEREALOG initiative environnementales

Environmental Initiatives

CEREALOG is committed to:

Reducing our consumption

  • Continuous improvements are made based on recommendations received following energy performance evaluations of our buildings.
  • Virtualization of computer infrastructures for CEREALOG and our clients.
  • Streamlining printing processes by using electronic communication.
  • Reducing energy consumption:

– Posted instructions for improved lighting efficiency,

– Posted instructions for improved heating efficiency,

– Shared printers.

  • Reductions in water consumption by using a dual-flow sanitation system.
  • Efficient transportation including promotion of public and shared transport. Employee commitment to ecobehavior.
  • Using mugs instead of plastic cups.

Responsible waste management
At CEREALOG, we attach great importance to regulations on technological waste products, known as WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment).


  • Free pickup of WEEE from customers, sent to an approved provider who offers: — a waste tracking slip (CERFA nº12571*01) — a recycling certificate.
  • Implementation of on-site waste sorting for recycling.
  • Re-use of paper printed for drafts.
  • Collection of printer cartridges for the rehabilitation and reintegration association “ATMOSPH’AIRRE”.
  • Collection of plastic bottle caps for the non-profit association “Les bouchons d’amour” (“Love Caps” in English).


Social Initiatives

CEREALOG is committed to:

  • Providing access to training for our employees. Trainings are requested during the evaluation interview for each staff member and scheduled throughout the year.
  • Offering the majority of our jobs with long-term contracts for better job security.
  • Fighting against all forms of discrimination in hiring, compensation and professional development for our employees.
  • Promoting and facilitating a good balance between professional life and family life.
  • Integrating quality of life into work.
  • Welcoming part-time trainees and students into the company.
  • A policy of risk prevention and management by identifying workplace hazards for employees. (Implementation and annual monitoring of a comprehensive risk assessment inventory, workplace first-aid training for employees, ergonomic workstations, etc.).



Economic Initiatives

CEREALOG is committed to:

  • Respecting business law and fighting against any abusive practices and all forms of corruption.
  • Managing our activities with the goal to create, preserve and develop both our jobs and our human capital over the long term.
  • Promoting customer satisfaction and remaining attentive to customer expectations and feedback for continuous improvement.
  • Establishing and maintaining mutually beneficial and equitable relations with our suppliers.
  • Regularly conducting research, development, and innovation initiatives.
  • Maximizing local relations when developing our business activities (recruitment, purchasing policy, partnerships, etc.).